Over the 50 year development of The Durbeck Archive, as important and famous people (singers, conductors, composers, librettists et al) became aware of the growing significance of this Archive, they often wanted to partake in the further aggrandizement of its recorded assets by either making personal donations of their own artistic achievements or by acknowledging its cultural stature with signatory dedications of respect and admiration.  In addition to these few examples of laudatory expressions, there are many other so signed LPs as well as letters and documents in the Archive files.


Donated and dedicated to The Durbeck Archive by Léopold Simoneau and Pierrette Alarie.

Considered to be the first Canadian

opera, Colas et Colinette premièred

12 days before Mozart's Così Fan

Tutte in 1790.  This premièr recording

was donated to The Durbeck Archive

by Léopold Simoneau and Pierrette

Alarie.            (click on image to enlarge)

"To Ed, this "unusual Rossini," to

enrich his already 'fabulous' collection.

Cordially, Italo Tajo, N.Y.C.,April 1987"

When he saw how well his recorded

career was preserved & documented

in The Durbeck Archive, he donated

this recording.  (click on image to enlarge)

Donated and dedicated to The Durbeck Archive by Italo Tajo.

Dedicated to The Durbeck Archive by Jack Beeson.

"A small addition to a great collection, Jack Beeson,  II  VIII 96, NYC."   In an extended correspondence with the composer, Jack Beeson, he inscribed this mark of respect for The Durbeck Archive on this recording of his opera. Much other original source information was given for these Archive entries.
          (click image to enlarge)

Both Michael Pollock
and Frances Bible were in the world 
premièr performance of  this opera
as well as on  this recording.   Neither 
knew this recording existed until this
copy was presented to them by The 
Durbeck Archive for their autographs. 
Both were greatly surprised, hence 
the gracious dedication.  (click image)

Dedicated to The Durbeck Archive by Michael Pollock.

Donated and dedicated to The Durbeck Archive by Helen Jepson.

Helen Jepson donated this recording

to The Durbeck Archive after a most

cordial visit with her in Florida, where

she retired after a full and wonderful

career.  She was a gracious and

charming hostess.

 (click on image to enlarge)

"Dear Ed, I am proud to be 

represented in your unique collection.

Elodie Lauten"  This recording of her

opera was donated to The Durbeck

Archive by Miss Lauten in recognition

of its stature and  musicological

importance. (click on image to enlarge)

Donated and dedicated to The Durbeck Archive by Elodie Lauten.

Dedicated to The Durbeck Archive by Herta Glaz.

A delightful visit with Miss Glaz in her

studio at the University of Southern

California refreshed memories of one

of America's golden eras of singing,

resulting in obtaining this dedication 

from this gifted singer.  Meeting Hans

Hotter was "awesome."       (click image)

'Ed, "Nona" would be pleased to know

of your collection - Hubert Guy (grand

son).'   Mr. Guy was the grandson of

Mme. Schumann-Heink, living in La

Mesa, CA - in "Nona's" former home -

when he signed this (and others) LP

for The Durbeck Archive.   (click image)

Dedicated to The Durbeck Archive by Hubert Guy, grandson of Ernestine Schumann-Heink.

Donated and dedicated to The Durbeck Archive by Aldona Stempuzis.

"To The Durbeck Archive

with best wishes and thanks!

Aldona Stempuzis,

7.23.2000, Cleveland"

Miss Stempuzis donated many LPs of

Lithuanian singers to The Archive.

(click on image to enlarge)

"To The Durbeck Archive, 
Best Wishes! Mimi Coertse, 2002"
From South Africa, Miss Coertse sent these two and about 15 more of her LPs as a personal gift and donation to The Durbeck Archive. Most likely, these are the only representative LPs of this South African singer, and music, extant in America today.
(Place cursor over image to view second image)

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